
Updated by Constance Colboc

Find my merchant ID

On Cdiscount, the merchant ID corresponds to your Shop Name

  1. Connect to the back office of Cdiscount
  2. Under the menu your information > your account
  1. Your Shop Name is available on this page
Modify your contact information in the seller area > Your login

Find my access codes

  1. Connect to the back office of Cdiscount
  2. Under the menu your information > your account
  1. Your access code is available on this page
Modify your API connection details > Your login

  1. Create a new API :
    1. Fill in your new API user ID and your new API password.
      After validation, your login will be followed by " -api " (Ex. Name_of_your_shopMultiply-api)
    2. Confirm your new API password
Multiply requires this merchant login and API access to create and connect your Cdiscount catalog.

How to enable Multiply's access to your Cdiscount catalog data?

To allow Multiply to retrieve your Cdiscount catalog data, Multiply needs to get valid credentials, but you also need to ask the Cdiscount support team to give Multiply access to their API.

  1. Go to the Help Center
    1. Type: API
    2. Sub-Type: Acces API REST

  1. Create a support ticket with :
    1. Subject of your request: "API Access
    2. Write a message asking to give Multiply access to your catalog via the API

Once access is granted, Multiply will be able to retrieve data from your Cdiscount store.

API or Scraping ?

Catalog update, offer observation, and price application is done via the Cdiscount API.

Stratégie de pricing

On Cdiscount, the Buy Box will always be given to an offer whose product condition is new when there is one. The Buy Box can be given to offers whose condition is not new when there is no new product available.

Default strategies are based on the state of your offer and sometimes that of your competitors.

  • When your offer is new - Your offer seeks the buybox at the highest possible price
  • When your offer is used and there are new competitors - Your offer prices itself 1 cent lower than the cheapest competing offer in a comparable condition.
  • When your offer is used and all competitors are used as well - Your offer seeks to win the buybox at the highest possible price

Special conditions that are taken into account:

  • When you have multiple offers on the same product - Multiply ensures that these will not compete against each other. However, if your other offer belongs to a different Multiply catalog or a different seller account, you will need to contact the customer success team in order to have this feature set up.
  • When you have no competitors - Some of the default strategies send a special pre-defined value for the price in this condition.

CDiscount default strategies are:

  • CDiscount Universal - 2 stops - Seeks the buybox at the highest price at all times
  • CDiscount Universal - 3 stops - Same as above but when there are no competitors, recommends the reference price
  • CDiscount Universal - Max if alone - Same as above but when there are no competitors, senrecommendsds the maximum price

Specificities of the loading of the catalog index

The Cdiscount catalog index is loaded by default every day via the API

  • It is possible to program a loading schedule
  • It is possible to restart the loading manually

Price Changes and Buy Box

Marketplace / Multiply limitations

There are no known limitations regarding price applications on Cdiscount.

Special features to mention

Updating prices on Cdiscount can often take up to 1 hour or more.

Offers observation

Limitations of API data (availability and reliability)

  • The Cdiscount API does not allow us to retrieve the URL of the offer
  • The Cdiscount API lacks reliability on the shipping costs: it gives us the information for a single shipping method even when there are several shipping methods; this mode is not controllable. It will be necessary to use an override for the shipping costs.

Limits of the observations of the offer:

  • Cdiscount quota: 10,000 offers per hour max
  • Multiply limit: Between 8400 and 11200 requests per hour max

Data retrieved from observations:






User’s offer price

User’s shipping fees

User’s offer shipping delay

User’s rating

Competitors' offer price

Competitors' shipping fees

Competitors' offer shipping delay

Competitor’s rating

Marketplace’s offer price

Marketplace’s offer shipping fees

Marketplace’s offer shipping delay

Buybox when user owns it

Buybox owner when user don't owns it

Buybox rate

Daily sales

Condition of user's offers

Condition of competitors' offers

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