Mano Mano

Updated by Constance Colboc

Find my seller ID

On ManoMano, your seller ID is your ManoMano ID.

  1. Connect to the ManoMano toolbox
  2. > Dashboard
  3. Your ManoMano ID is available at the top right of the home page

Find my access codes

In Multiply, the login set consists of a couple, an email address, and a password, specially created by you in your Toolbox, for Multiply to connect to your ManoMano ToolBox as a partner:

You must create a specific user identified with a unique email address and password for each of your ManoMano stores (for example if you have stores in different countries or if you have a store fullfilled by ManoMano and/or a B2B store...)

Each of your ManoMano stores must correspond to a unique catalog in Multiply.

  1. Login to your Toolbox with your own credentials
  2. If applicable, select the store you want to connect Multiply to
  3. Add a new user to this store as a partner with permission to access the catalog (this new user will be Multiply).
    1. Use a unique email address that you previously created specifically for Multiply
    2. Confirm the creation of the new user by following the ManoMano process that you receive by email at the email address you specified in step 3-a
  4. Enter the information into Multiply when you create the set of catalog credentials corresponding to your ManoMano store:
    1. Back Office username = The email address you created for Multiply
    2. Back Office Password = The password attached to this email address to access the Toolbox
 Repeat the process for each of your ManoMano stores

API ou Scraping

The refresh catalog and the application of prices are done via the API.

The observation of offers is done by the scraping method.

Specificities of the catalog loading

The ManoMano catalog is loaded by default every two to three days via the API.

  • It is possible to program a loading schedule
  • It is possible to restart the loading manually.

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