Kaufland [DE]

Updated by Constance Colboc

How to find your seller ID?

On Kaufland/ Real, your seller ID corresponds with your Shop Name.

  1. Log into real Händlerbackend ein (Kaufland/ RealReal seller back office)
  2. Switch to the Händlerbereich (seller area)
  3. In the menu on the left, switch to Händlereinstellungen > Shopeinstellungen
    (Seller Settings > Shop Settings)
  4. Switch to the Shop Name tab
  5. Your Shop Name is available here

How to find your credential set?

  1. Log into real Händlerbackend ein (Kaufland/ Real seller back office)
  2. Switch to the Händlerbereich (seller area)
  3. In the menu on the left, switch to Händlereinstellungen > Shopeinstellungen (Seller Settings > Shop Settings)
  4. Switch to the API tab
  5. In the dropdown, select "Welche Software Schnittstelle nutzen Sie?"(Which software interface do you use?)
  6. Click on "Zugangsdaten neu generieren" (Regenerate access data)
  7. Your Client Key and Secret Key are available on this page

Multiply asks for this seller ID and this credential set to create and connect your Kaufland/ Real catalog.

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