My SKU is not repriced
My SKU has no recommendations
Is my offer online on the marketplace?
As long as your offer is not online, Multiply cannot observe it, and therefore cannot recommend a price.
Your offer may be in stock and active, but it can happen that the marketplace takes time to publish it.
Multiply regularly monitors the offer according to your predefined quota when you opened your catalog. The repricing will begin on the next observation.
Does my SKU has bounds?
If the bounds are missing, Multiply does not reprice. You can check the existence of the actual bounds, add or modify the necessary elements for the bounds calculation on your SKU's pricing screen.
Is my SKU inactive or is its stock at 0?
- If your SKU was inactive in the back office of your marketplace (or had a stock of 0) at the last catalog index update, then Multiply does not reprice the SKU.
- If your SKU has become active again in the back office of your marketplace after the last catalog index update, you can:
- Wait for the next update (in the morning)
- Manually restart this task: update the catalog index
Does my SKU has constrained bounds?
You have multiple bound parameters, and your minimum and maximum bounds are identical. We are facing a bound conflict, and you have several choices:
- What is a bound conflict + Choose a method to handle these situations automatically
- Modify your bound calculation parameters
The recommended price is not sent.
- Is pricing correctly enabled on your SKU and in your catalog?
- Did the price sending tasks go through correctly?
- In the back office of your marketplace:
- Does your offer have a discount that prevents the application of the Multiply price?
- Is the country of origin of your product specified? (specifically on Amazon)
- Does your offer have a discount that prevents the application of the Multiply price?
- Does your feed manager override the price sent by Multiply?