Seller ID
How to find your seller ID?
On Bol, your seller ID corresponds with your Verkoopnummer.
- Log into Bol back-office on this URL:
- Click on the dropdown menu on the upper right corner of the homepage
- Your Verkoopnummer is available here
How to find your credential set?
- Log into Bol back office on this URL: - Click on the dropdown menu on the upper right corner of the homepage
- Click on Instellingen (Settings)
- Click on API Instellingen (API Settings)
- Go to Client credentials and click on the Aannmaken (Create) button
- Enter a name (E.g. Multiply) and click on the Ja, voeg toe (Add) button
- Go to Client credentials
- The Client Key corresponds with the Client ID
- Click on Toon secret (Show secret)
The API V3 Secret Key corresponds with the Client secret.
Multiply asks for this seller ID and this credential set to create and connect your Bol catalog.