Bounds priorities and rules for confilcts
Multiply calculates your bounds based on your data and settings. The amount of data you handle can, through inadvertence, lead to inconsistencies or conflicts.
Multiply has therefore devised rules and allows you to choose the one that suits you:
- Some rules define priority levels if you have configured multiple methods for calculating bounds.
- Some rules establish a method for resolving conflicts if your minimum bound is greater than your maximum bound.
Which bound takes priority?
You have the choice between 3 priority rules to select in the catalog settings.
Catalogs > Edit > Price bounds
- Priority (Normal - Default)
- Absolute value bounds take priority over bounds formulated on the margin rate.
- Product-level settings take priority over catalog-level settings.
- Settings based on the reference price are the last resort.
- Priority (Most Restrictive - -)
- Bounds based on the product margin rate take priority over absolute value bounds when they are more restrictive, meaning they lead to a narrower price range.
- Product-level settings take priority over catalog-level settings.
- Settings based on the reference price are the last resort.
- Priority (Most Restrictive - +)
- The most restrictive bound parameter, i.e., the one that leads to the narrowest price range, wins.
- An exception is made for settings based on the reference price, which are always the last resort.
How are conflicts resolved?
There is a conflict when the bound calculation results in a maximum price lower than the minimum price. Multiply offers three conflict management methods to resolve this issue. This setting can be adjusted at the catalog level (Catalogs > Edit > Price Bounds) or at the SKU level (Product Details > Price).
- "Min" Method (Default Method): The price is constrained to the minimum, and the minimum bound equals the maximum bound.
- "Max" Method: The price is constrained to the maximum, and the minimum bound equals the maximum bound.
- "Fail" Method: The calculation fails, and an error message is generated to draw your attention to the problem.
These methods can be applied to a catalog or an SKU.
Example: Multiply independently calculates the minimum and maximum bounds. Here, Multiply selects the least risky minimum bound, which is 126.18 for the minimum bound and 124.69 for the maximum bound. However, 126.18 (minimum bound) > 124.69 (maximum bound).
If the chosen method is "Min," then Multiply can only send 126.18.