The competitive environment of my offer
All competitors for your offer
For each offer, Multiply provides the detail of competing offers. At the end of your product line, the information icon allows you to open this specific screen, which ranks the competing offers in ascending order of price (including VAT and shipping costs).
- Offers*: name of the competitor
- Offer ID: unique identifier created by Multiply for each offer
- Seller ID: unique identifier created by Multiply for each merchant
- Listing price inc. VAT*: total offer price including VAT
- Shipping price inc VAT*: shipping costs of the offer including VAT
- Min listing price inc. VAT*: minimum total price including VAT offered by the competitor
- Max listing price inc. VAT*: maximum total price including VAT offered by the competitor
- Min landed price inc. VAT*: minimum total delivered price including VAT offered by the competitor
- Max landed price inc. VAT*: maximum total delivered price including VAT offered by the competitor
- FBA*: whether the offer is proposed as fulfilled by the marketplace
- Prime*: whether the offer is proposed as Prime (Amazon)
- National Prime*: whether the offer is proposed as National Prime (Amazon)
- Shipping min days*: minimum time to ship the product
- Shipping max days*: maximum time to ship the product
- First seen: the first time Multiply observed the offer on the marketplace
- Last seen: the last time Multiply observed the offer on the marketplace
- Seller rating*: rating of the merchant on the marketplace
- Review count*: number of comments
- Condition*: condition of the product
- Buy box winner*: whether the offer holds the Buy Box
- Buy box eligible*: whether the offer is eligible to obtain the Buy Box
- Active*: status of the offer as observed on the marketplace
Buy Box eligibility
Offer ineligible for the buy box
Amazon can remove the eligibility for the Buy Box from your offer (or from your catalog), which means that regardless of your product's price, you will never get the Buy Box.
To check this:
Pricing > Product > "i"
Pricing > Product > " i "
The indication will be found at the line "Eligible for the buy box''
Quel impact pour mon pricing ?
If your pricing strategy is to win the Buy Box, then your offer will inevitably end at the minimum price in search of the Buy Box.
By the time you understand the reason from Amazon and regain your eligibility for the Buy Box, we can change your strategy to "place" under the cheapest competitor.
- In the worst case, you are at the minimum bound when the cheapest competitor is below your minimum bound.
- At best, you are at your maximum bound when all your competitors are above your maximum bound.
- Between the two, we position ourselves under the cheapest competitor, by a delta that you choose (1 cent, 2%, 1 euro, etc.)