Load catalog index
Why and When Does Multiply Update Your Catalog Index?
Multiply automatically updates the index of your catalog at regular intervals. This update occurs once a day on all marketplaces.
Your catalog index includes the following information:
- The complete list of your SKUs.
- The status of your SKUs (active or inactive offer). An inactive SKU will not be observed or repriced by Multiply.
- The stock of your SKUs. A SKU without stock will not be observed or repriced by Multiply.
- The delivery type of your SKUs: FBS (delivered by you) or FBA (delivered by the marketplace).
How to Manually Refresh Your Catalog Index
Tasks > Task Category = Catalog > Task Types = Refresh Catalog
Find the latest update and click the "Play" button on the right.
Please note that the task is scheduled, and it may not start immediately. Depending on the size of your catalog, the duration of the catalog index update may vary. To see new tasks, refresh the page.