Competitor ranking
Report Title: Competitor ranking
Data > Rapports > Competitor ranking
This report contains, for each SKU, your offer and those of your competitors. It includes as many lines as there are offers for each of your SKUs in a selected catalog. It can be large to download and should be better generated.
There are two distinct rankings: Product Price and Delivered Price (including shipping fees)
This report, available in JSON or CSV, can be:
- downloaded
- shared via a URL
- retrieved as a protected feed (URL) to supply a third-party application
Indicateur | Signification |
sku | sku |
marketplace | marketplace |
brand | You product's brand |
title | title |
remote_id | ID marketplace |
seller_name | name of the seller |
condition | condition (new, used) |
fba | true = fulfilled by the marketplace (FBA) false = fulfilled by the seller (FBS) |
is_prime | true = the offer is prime false = the offer is not prime |
listing_price_inc_vat | Current product price including VAT |
shipping_price_inc_vat | Current shipping price including VAT |
landed_price_inc_vat | Current price including shipping price and VAT |
listing_price_rank | Rank of the offer based on the product price |
landed_price_rank | Rank of the offer based on the delivered price |
buybox_winner | TRUE = your offer holds the Buy Box FALSE = your offer does not hold the Buy Box |
effective_min_listing_price_inc_vat | Minimum effective listing price inc. VAT |
effective_max_listing_price_inc_vat | Maximum effective listing price inc. VAT |
listing_price_delta_to_buybox_winner | Delta between the product price of your offer and the product price of the buybox holder |
landed_price_delta_to_buybox_winner | Delta between the delivered price of your offer and the delivered price of the buybox holder |
listing_price_delta_to_rank_1 | Delta between the product price of your offer and the product price of the rank 1 offer |
landed_price_delta_to_rank_1 | Delta between the delivered price of your offer and the delivered price of the rank 1 offer |
in_stock | True = the offer is in stock False = the offer is out of stock |
generated_on | The report generation date |